Sacred Projections

November2021 ongoing

Monthly Production Order

︎ A Mundane Conversation in a Beautiful Place: (edit in progress)
︎ Always Use Stagnant Tools when Working in the Rift: 00:03:21
︎ Monster in the Dark: 00:02:32

    Sacred Projections is an open artist call to produce collaborative, monthly short films resemblant of works by John Waters, Kenneth Anger and directors of the like. We create shorts on behalf of art, unchained from consumerist culture. We intend for our viewers to instead consume a revised perspective surrounding the ever-present narratives that much of society has succumbed to. This alternative media includes questioning gender roles and the toxic dynamics of hierarchies and popularity within society.

    At present we are a quaint troupe of creatives with varying skills and artistic lineages who meet regularly to pool our creative resources into alternative film production. SP provides opportunity to transform and apply our chosen craft to that of a departmental film skill. Despite each creative’s proficiencies being rooted in different mediums, the delegated screenwriter/director changes from one film to the next. For stylistic coherence between shorts, SP founder Jen O’Connor co-directs consistently throughout.

    The monthly screenwriter/director is determined via group vote during our first-Wednesday-of-the-month pitch meeting. Here, we begin with a creative writing exercise, each member derives a screenplay proposal from the ideas conceptualized from said writing exercise which they pitch to the collective. After all of the pitches are shared, the collective votes on the idea which they would like to fructify. These monthly shorts are to be part of a larger body of work that will eventually become a multi-director TV series.